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2020-11-17 10:45:01  1160次浏览 次浏览
价 格:3000


微信图片_20200727094250.jpg 智能温室-物联网控制系统,数据来源各种各样,处理不同层次的资源数据会导致物联网控制系统演变成复杂大系统。面在控制领域,智能控制理论是解决复杂大系统问题的重要方法。智能控制代表着控制学科发展的进程,智能控制的几个重要分支为专家控制、模糊控制、神经网络控制和学习控制。

The intelligent greenhouse Internet of things control system has a variety of data sources, processing different levels of resource data will lead to the evolution of the Internet of things control system into a complex large system. In the field of control, intelligent control theory is an important method to solve complex large-scale system problems. Intelligent control represents the latest development of control science. Several important branches of intelligent control are expert control, fuzzy control, neural network control and learning control.


Control method of greenhouse Internet of things control system: in the Internet of things control system, the design and optimization of controller can make the controlled object have excellent control quality, and it is also an important guarantee to reflect the high intelligent characteristics of the Internet of things. The following will improve the network performance and intelligent control theory to explore the control method. Control method to improve the network performance: the control system develops from local closed-loop control to network control, and the characteristics of the network itself will affect the performance of the control system. Therefore, the design and improvement of the control method can be proposed from the aspect of improving the network performance.


Intelligent greenhouse Internet of things control system delay, bandwidth, throughput are important performance indicators of the network, and in the environment of the Internet of things, the delay parameters are particularly prominent. As the end of the Internet of things, the number of sensors is numerous and widely distributed, and the collected data is also very complex. A large amount of information is transmitted to the application layer through the network, which will bring heavy load to the network layer, resulting in the aggravation of network transmission delay. In addition, how to transmit the control signal to the actuator quickly and timely through the network also puts forward requirements for the delay index. Therefore, the design of network control algorithm to effectively compensate the network delay and ensure the stability and robustness of the whole control system has been a hot issue. With the rapid development of Internet of things related technology, as well as the continuous improvement of control theory, the system characteristics of the Internet of things control system under the combination of the two will change from the original closed type to the open type, and the application field will be more and more extensive. However, the characteristics of the Internet of things also bring many uncontrollable factors and difficulties to the construction of control system. How to ensure the intelligence, real-time, security and low power consumption of control in open environment are important concerns in the future.

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