




百合在我国栽培已经有近千年的历史了,据《本草纲目》中就有记载,百合有安心定胆,益智、养五脏的功效。 百合的鳞茎富含蛋白质、淀粉、脂肪、生物碱等多种成分,营养价值高,每100克百合含蛋白质3.2克,抗坏血酸18毫克、钾510毫克、钠6.7毫克、钙11毫克、镁43毫克、铁1.1毫克、硒0.2毫克。 可以起到清热、润肺止咳、补中、提高、消肿、美容等功效,所以一直被人们当作良好的滋补食品,不仅有蒸食、煮汤等吃法,而且发展出炒、炸、焖、烧等吃法,可也做出许多美味的菜肴来,单是列入菜谱的,就有100多个品种。由于百合浑身是宝,在国内市场需求增加的同时,欧美和东南亚各国也逐步认识到它的价值,纷纷到中国来进口百合。

Edible lily stem piece

Liang Shasha - we set up from the 1990 introduction began, mainly engaged in the cultivation of edible lily, has planted many years of experience, has acquired a number of lily cultivation and processing techniques, our lily annual output of about 20 tons, the characteristics of our products, a large, sweet, nutritious, good quality, and quality advantages, the majority of processing plants and consumers trust and praise. (Signed a contract can be long-term cooperative production and processing) the purpose of mutual benefit, win-win cooperation, willing to old and new customers and common development.

Lily cultivated in China nearly 1,000 years, and there are records in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", Lily has the effect of "peace of mind given gall, puzzle, raise five internal organs". Lily bulbs are rich in protein, starch, fats, alkaloids and other ingredients, nutritional value per 100 grams of lily containing 3.2 grams protein, 18 mg of ascorbic acid, 510 mg of potassium, sodium, 6.7 mg, calcium 11 mg, 43 mg of magnesium , iron 1.1 mg, 0.2 mg of selenium. Can play Qingrejiedu, lungs and cough, Bu Zhong Yi Qi, improve immunity, reduce swelling and anti-cancer, beauty, and other effects, it has been as good nourishing food not only eat steamed food, soup, etc. fried, fried, stewed, burning eat and development, has also made many delicious dishes, single is included in the recipes, there are over 100 varieties. Lily full of treasure, at the same time increase in the domestic market demand, Europe and the United States and Southeast Asian countries have gradually recognize its value, have been going to China to import lily.



  • 主营: 汉中食用百合,汉中食用百合干,汉中食用百合片
  • 地址: 青年路
  • 联系: 梁莎莎
  • 手机: 18657618520
  • 本站共被浏览过 11838 次

